The regular meeting was held starting at 6:00 p.m.
The August 2023 meeting minutes and treasurer’s report were approved with no changes.
Sophie Schuette, Student Council President, updated the board on student council activities for Homecoming. This year’s theme is fast food. Classes were allowed to start float decorating on September 8th. The Homecoming assembly and parade will take place on September 29, and the Homecoming dance will be on September 30th. Student Council members will also be cleaning the microwaves weekly in the cafeteria.
Ms. Emma Cossel from the Athletic Boosters informed the board that the boosters have been working with coaches, physical education teachers, and the athletic trainer to develop a plan to purchase new weight room equipment, at a cost of approximately $75,000. The existing equipment was used when we got it, and is getting worn out. The plan is to buy new equipment in two phases, with the first phase being to purchase five half-racks, weights, and bars. The board supports the idea, but would like a more detailed accounting of the equipment that will be purchased.
Meeting dates for data-gathering of the Strategic Planning Process were set. A representative from the Michigan Association of School Boards will be here on October 3rd to meet with employees and members of the community. A second workshop with the school board members will take place on October 9th at 5:00, before the regular 6:00 board meeting.
Supt. Denney updated the board on the progress made toward the board goals:
Goal #1A – Benchmark assessments either given or in process
Goal #1B – Review of STAR data and other assessments to determine learning gaps; MICIP process to adjust improvement plans and conduct progress
Goal #1C – JCEC and JAC2 programming; dual enrollment expansion
Goal #1D – Working with local colleges to build connections for student teacher placement; all teaching positions were filled before open houses
Goal #1E – Starting the Strategic Planning Process to gather community input; great turnout for ABC Night and open houses
Goal #1F – High school students growing vegetables for food service dept.; exploring potential programs/speakers to bring in this year on various topics
Goal #2A – Completed parking lot repairs; track resurfacing project nearly completed; final push for all bond work near completion; central office entryway near completion; press box interior updated; approved new building access control system
Goal #2B – Network upgrades completed; exploring options to replace desktop computers due to mandatory upgrade to Windows 11
Goal #2C – Continued countywide partnership in the health insurance consortium
The board approved a plan to begin the process of changing our district’s transportation policy for certain sports such as cross country, bowling and volleyball, in regard to allowing students to ride with coaches or other students with written parent permission. The board will allow the changes to start taking place at this time.
The hiring of Ms. Laura Hall, elementary teacher, was approved.
Superintendent Denney reported to the board members on the following:
- The school year has gotten off to a good start
- Homecoming is coming up and we should have a good game
The board members commented on the following:
- Questions were asked about student numbers and how many school of choice students we get from other districts. We don’t have count day data yet.
- The board appreciates the elementary board report and the community collaboration
- The PBIS training at the elementary was reported to be a very good staff training
- Thank you to Emma Cossel for presenting the plan for Athletic Boosters to purchase weight room equipment
- The personnel committee needs to meet regarding the search for a new superintendent
The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.