The regular meeting was held starting at 6:00 p.m.
The July 2023 meeting minutes and treasurer’s report were approved with no changes.
The board received a thank you note for the Ruth Creps Scholarship from a graduated senior.
Mrs. Jennifer Wykes from the PTA informed the board that Unity Horton will be building a Habitat for Humanity home in Hanover and the PTA will be doing some fundraisers to help raise the $75,000 to get the home started.
The board accepted, with regret, the resignations of Mr. Ethan Showler and Mrs. Chris Hobson.
The board approved the hiring of the following teachers:
Mr. Jake Spurgeon-Hess, MS Math/HS Transitions
Mrs. McKinnon Santoro, Young 5’s
Mrs. Kimberly Alley, 5th Grade
Mrs. Jessica Willis, 5th Grade
The remaining funds from the ESSER 3 grant will be used to purchase one year of online subscription and teacher manuals for the Engage New York math curriculum in the elementary.
A new door control system for the elementary and MS/HS buildings was approved by the board. The current fob system in the MS/HS cannot be updated due to its age. The new system will place an access card or fob in every police car in the county so responding officers would have access to every school building in the county that is part of the same system. It will mostly be paid for by a safety grant.
The board approved additional changes to the middle school student handbook to address the use of student cell phones and changes to the high school student handbook to address locks on student lockers. The athletic handbook was also approved to reflect changes to the athletic eligibility policy.
Superintendent Denney reported to the board members on the following:
- Staff will report on Monday, August. 21st. Open houses and orientations will be held that evening.
- Thank you to the custodial/maintenance departments for everything they have done this summer. The pride the custodians have in the buildings shows.
- Bricks are being put around the columns in front of the middle/high school entrances.
- The signage on the auxiliary gym is complete. Huge shoutouts to Alro Steel for the materials and to Lomar Machine for cutting out the letters and powdercoating. OpticEdge installed the tracking and the signs. The round lighted Comet sign is working.
The board members commented on the following:
- The board welcomes our new staff members. Thank you to Kimberly Alley for attending the meeting.
- Thank you to Ethan Showler and Chris Hobson, who are leaving the district.
- The board is looking forward to school being back in session and seeing students back in the buildings.
- The buildings look wonderful; maintenance staff saves the district a lot of money.
- The parking lots look good. A lot has been done over the summer.
- The Life of an Athlete meeting was well attended and well done.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.