It is my sincerest honor and privilege to begin my new position as the Superintendent of Hanover-Horton Schools. I have been with the district for 34 incredible years. It began with my student teaching experience and I was very fortunate to be hired as a high school teacher the following fall. After eleven years as a social studies teacher, I moved into administrative roles. For 22 years I served as the middle school principal. I am very excited to help lead our district to continued success! We have a phenomenal teaching and support staff, school board members who are dedicated to serving the students of our district, supportive parents and an involved community, active booster groups and most importantly amazing students! With our recently created strategic plan in place to guide us, we will work hard to provide the very best education possible for our students. I am eager to work with all of our families and welcome your questions and suggestions. Please feel free to contact me at
Go Comets!