Board Meeting in Review – March 12, 2024

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The regular meeting was held starting at 6:00 p.m.

Mr. Kevin Fleming, Athletic Trainer, was recognized for his excellent service to the district, in celebration of National Athletic Training Month.

A high school parent asked if there was any scheduled cleaning/disinfecting done in the buildings, since there has been a lot of sickness in her family and the district.  Disinfecting is done on a regular basis.

The board approved the second reading of NEOLA policy updates, Vol. 37, No. 2; Vol. 38, No. 1, and Special Updates.

The board discussed the format and timeline of how they want to receive board goal updates from the superintendent for the remainder of the school year and beyond, since the implementation timeline for the new goals does not align with the current quarterly schedule.  The timeline will be determined at a later date.

The resignation at the end of this school year of middle school teacher, Mrs. Stacy Finegan, was accepted with regret.  She has been a teacher at H-H for 23 years.

The hiring of Mrs. Jill Gentner, school nurse, was approved.

Superintendent Denney reported to the board members on the following:

  • We are looking forward to Young 5’s/Kindergarten Roundup next month.  A postcard mailing will be going out in the next week or so to inform the community of Roundup and the parent meeting beforehand.
  • We have purchased a used vehicle to replace the van that was previously used for mail runs.  The van was not safe to drive.
  • Thank you to Melissa Duffrin, who applied for and received the 31aa grant from the state, which will pay for the areas of mental health, safety concerns, and security cameras.  This will free up money in the general fund that will be used to purchase new desktop computers throughout the district.  Thank you to both Melissa and Sue Michalsky for all the work they do to apply for and maintain accounting for the grants received by the district.  Mrs. Bergstrom also commented that Melissa did a phenomenal job with the Title I audit that was conducted by the state last week.
  • Congrats to all the winter athletes and coaches for their fine seasons.
  • Good luck to Mrs. Kelli Arbuckle, elementary fine arts teacher, for the upcoming production of Aladdin this week.

The board members commented on the following:

  • Discussion was held on the possibility of creating a Board of Education operating procedures document that would outline the responsibilities and expectations of board members.
  • It was suggested that there be a board meeting calendar created, especially for new board members, what would outline certain set tasks the board can expect to take action on each month.
  • Congratulations to our Athletic Trainer, Kevin Fleming, who is very much appreciated and respected for the job he does for the district.
  • The board appreciates the hiring of the new school nurse.
  • Board members have been reading to elementary students for March is Reading Month.
  • Board members have been attending trainings and workshops.
  • Thank you to Melissa Duffrin, as well as all the district administrators, for the job they do.

The regular meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.


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