The regular meeting was held starting at 6:00 p.m.
Sophie Schuette, Student Council President, informed the board that Student Council is discussing ways to improve spirit week and is in the process of sending thank you notes to those who helped with Snowfest.
Mrs. Tracy Stierle informed the board of the plans for March is Reading Month at the elementary school. The theme this year will be “Summer.” Top readers will get to dunk Mr. Ayers in the dunk tank. Plans also include prizes of new bicycles provided by Jackson Kiwanis Club, a class party for the class who reads the most minutes, Scholastic coupons for top readers, and guest authors who will be promoting Pickleball.
The flower fundraiser will take place in March, with proceeds going to the ROX program.
Mrs. Kelli Arbuckle is currently directing a production of “Aladdin Kids” for 4th and 5th graders. Students are working hard and are excited. Performances will be on March 15th & 16th.
Some of our elementary students’ artwork, as well as a piece by Mrs. Arbuckle, will be included in the Jackson Art Teachers Art Show, located at Art 634, which will take place from March 9th through April 7th.
The board approved the first reading of NEOLA policy updates, Vol. 37, No. 2; Vol. 38, No. 1, and Special Updates.
The board decided to support Mr. Dale Wingerd as their choice for the Michigan School Board Association’s Board of Directors election for Region 7.
The appointment of Mr. Jeff Waltz as the Middle School Principal, effective July 1, 2024, year was approved, as recommended by the Personnel Committee.
The board approved the contract of Mrs. Denise Bergstrom as Superintendent of the district, effective on July 1, 2024, as recommended by the Personnel Committee.
Salaries effective July 1, 2024 for non-union employees were approved by the board, as recommended by the Personnel Committee. This follows the approval of the bargaining units’ contracts.
Contract extensions were approved for non-union employees, as recommended by the Personnel Committee.
Superintendent Denney reported to the board members on the following:
- Congratulations to Denise Bergstrom and Jeff Waltz.
- Thank you to the Personnel Committee.
- The winter sports season is near the end; good luck to winter athletes.
The board members commented on the following:
- The board appreciates all the activities that happen at the elementary school and enjoy seeing the board reports and pictures from that building, as well as the middle school. Thank you to the elementary teachers who came tonight to share that information.
- Congratulations and good luck to Denise Bergstrom and Jeff Waltz on their new positions.
- The JCASB held their district meeting and all 13 schools attended. There will be board member training taking place on February 24th.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m.