Board Meeting in Review – June 17, 2024

Home / Board Meeting Review / Board Meeting in Review – June 17, 2024

The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Board Secretary Elizabeth Scott read to the board two thank you notes received from recipients of the Ruth Creps Scholarship.

The board recognized the accomplishments of winter athletes.

The June agenda and the May 2024 meeting minutes and treasurer’s report were approved.

Public comment:  None

The July organizational board meeting will be held on July 15, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

The annual MHSAA Membership Resolution, which allows our district to participate in post-season MHSAA-sponsored sports tournaments, was approved.

NEOLA policy updates, Vol. 38, No. 2 were approved.

Mrs. Bergstrom presented the Strategic Plan update to the board:

Focus Area 1, Obj. 1:  Review & edit pacing guides underway with completion 6/15/24; created curriculum map drive; set date for MICIP district meeting – 6/12/24; set PD date for K-12 alignment meeting – 8/19/24; agenda will be set for MICIP meeting.

Focus Area 1, Obj. 2:  MS/HS met with Sp. Ed. team/counselors to review written process for identifying students for intervention; Elementary reviewed their process and will continue to use; MTSS – updated charts and finalized for all buildings.

Focus Area 2, Obj.1:  Elementary – investigated curriculum choices; Elementary will use Character Strong; MS/HS develop SEL/PBIS curriculum review committee.

Focus Area 2, Obj. 2:  School Climate Survey administered to teachers; MIPHY administered to students in grades 7, 9, 11; Assessing current needs/conditions; Go Buckets; PA upgrades in MS/HS

Focus Area 3:  Identified Facebook and Instagram as best social media platforms to use – roll out early July; Currently reviewing website and seeking feedback; Some tasks on hold due to Swift K-12 being replaced.

Focus Area 4, Obj. 1:  Identified mentor teachers; Created mentor/mentee list; Created mentor/new teacher checklist; Worksheet for mentor hours – PD.

Focus Area 4, Obj. 2:  Mrs. Bergstrom attended SAU Education Partner Breakfast; SAU contact, Meredith Harvey; observation group each fall/spring at our elementary; Student teacher placement – Richard Bradstreet, SAU; Creating discussion at superintendents’ meeting – creating a pipeline for teachers in Jackson County.

Focus Area 4, Obj. 3:  Summer project to establish personnel binder for new staff; Onboarding team for the district.

Focus Area 5, Obj. 1:  Inventory list of current technology – review and update; Identify and prioritize technology needs – teacher computers.

Focus Area 5, Obj. 2:  District walk-through; Review maintenance request process.

The 2024 Tax Rate Request was approved by the board.  This is the millage request report that goes to the county and township treasurers and clerks annually.

The 2023-24 amended budget was reviewed at the budget hearing prior to the regular meeting.  The amended budget was presented at the regular meeting and approved by the board.

The 2024-25 preliminary budget was reviewed at the budget hearing prior to the regular meeting.  The preliminary budget was presented at the regular meeting and approved by the board.

The board adopted a Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Notes in Anticipation of the State School Aid Note for the 2024-25 school year.

The board approved the addition of Mrs. Denise Bergstrom, incoming Superintendent, as signatory on all the district’s County National Bank accounts and MILAF account.

The board accepted the resignation of middle/high school teacher Jake Spurgeon-Hess, and the approved the maternity leave of elementary teacher Emily Bolen for the 2024-25 school year.

The board approved the hiring of the following teachers:

Emily Herendeen, 4th grade

Christopher Fowler, 4th grade

Emily Schwertfeger, high school

Hailey Schaendorf, 5th grade

Superintendent Denney reported to the board members on the following:

  • There will be some ongoing negotiations with the HHEA bargaining group that will be finished up with Mrs. Bergstrom.
  • Thank you to the faculty staff for a great end of the school year.
  • Supt. Denney submitted his official resignation letter to the board.

The board members commented on the following:

  • Please send an email to the legislature in support of the full 7% reduction in the rate that is paid into MPSERS coming back to school districts.  This could mean a cost savings of an average of $450 per pupil for our district.  It is very easy to send an email through the MASB.
  • The 5th grade graduation was impressive.
  • Senior graduation was also very nice and professional; discussion was held as to how to get more teachers to attend in support of graduates.
  • Thank you to administration for a great school year.
  • Board members like the idea of Go Buckets at the elementary, which are supplies in buckets for every room in case of an emergency.
  • The new picnic area near the middle school is going to be nice.
  • Mrs. Flick and Mr. Densmore will be running for re-election in November.  School board candidates need to file with the county by July 23rd.
  • Discussion was held about keeping our school colors red and white only, or establishing blue being added.  Also, we need to have media guidelines as far as colors, trademarked logo, etc.  This will be something to address in the near future.
  • Welcome to new teachers.
  • The board thanked Supt. Denney for his leadership and everything he has done for our district and community for the past 14 years, and wish him the best.  He will be missed.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m.


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