Welcome to Hanover-Horton Elementary School
Where a great start does make a difference!
Welcome, a feeling we want everyone to have as they walk through the doors at Hanover-Horton Elementary. The building is not only inviting, but also strives to provide a positive environment conducive to learning.
The elementary building, which opened in 1997, is located in the village of Hanover. We are a Young 5’s thru 5th grade building, and we also house 3 preschool classrooms. A little over 500 students are enrolled and are instructed by a professional staff of 27. Many staff members have earned degrees beyond the Bachelor Degree level and are committed to meeting the needs of all students. In addition to the core content areas of English Language arts, math, science, and social studies, students also receive physical education, computers, fine arts, art, and library story time.”. RtI services are available for students needing additional assistance.
Parental involvement is very high at the elementary and what a difference it makes in their child’s education. Besides working in the classroom, chaperoning field trips, attending after school functions and volunteering with the PTA, our building averages over 90% attendance for student conferences. With the dedicated staff and the tremendous support received from parents and the community, the elementary will continue to experience success with its students.
An open invitation is extended to you. Come and see the quality education your child can receive. Tours are available throughout the year. By making a fresh start with Hanover-Horton Elementary you will see the difference.
Early Impressions Before and After School Care
The Hanover-Horton’s Early Impressions Before and After School Care has been established to provide a school age child care facility that is safe, well-supervised, and stimulating. This environment will promote the security and well being of the children involved and peace of mind for their parents.
Early Impressions Before and After School Care is open from 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday during the regular school calendar, on early dismissal days, and on Parent/Teacher conference days.
A child will be allowed to attend Early Impressions Before and After School Care after the following have been completed:
- Early Impressions Before and After School Care registration form has been completed.
- The $20.00 registration fee has been paid.
For further information, please call 517-888-5155 or 517-563-0124
TRUE Community Credit Union
TRUE Community Credit Union is proud to partner with Hanover Horton Elementary.
Since 1991, we have provided students with real work experience by operating the student-run credit union branch, where students with a TRUE Community Credit Union savings account can save money right at school.
In 2019, we partnered with Jackson County schools to create the Jackson $aves program, which provides incoming kindergarteners with an educational savings account to help pay for education and training after high school. Students can save for their future right at their school!
The TumbleBook Library is a collection of animated, talking picture books that will get children excited about reading. The new access options are as follows: 1) Type in the web address of https://myjdl.com/?s=Tumble%20Books (you will need to save the Jackson District Library home page and then click on the TumbleBooks link; or 2) Go to https://myjdl.com/ and in the search box type in TumbleBooks and click the Website box (not Library Catalog). Enjoy all the books they have to offer!
2020-2021 Meal Prices
This year’s breakfast, lunch and milk prices are as follows:
Breakfast - Free
Lunch - Free
Milk - Free
Lunch - Free
Milk - Free
The Free/Reduced Meal Application is now available for families to complete. For quickest processing, visit www.LunchApp.com to submit your application. If you have any questions or need assistance completing the application, contact Alan Breneman at 517.990.3603.
School Hours
School hours are from 8:45 AM - 3:34 PM.
On half days, school will be in session from 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM.
On half days, school will be in session from 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM.
School Supplies
Need School Supplies?
Hanover-Horton Elementary School
131 Fairview St.
Hanover, MI 49241
Telephone: 517-563-0103
Fax: 517-563-0160
School Hours
Full Day: 8:45 AM – 3:34 PM
Half Day: 8:45 AM – 12:15 PM
Joe Ayers – joe.ayers@hanoverhorton.org
Peni Bapst- Peni.Bapst@hanoverhorton.org
Social Worker
Emma Garrison – Emma.Garrison@hanoverhorton.org