Board Meeting in Review – October 14, 2024

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The regular meeting was held starting at 6:00 p.m.

The meeting minutes and treasurer’s reports were approved for the regular and special meetings held in September.

Miss Sophie Schuette, Student Council President, informed the board of the high school Student Council activities. The Student Council is writing thank you notes for volunteers and donations for Homecoming.
Planning for SnowFest is under way, which will take place on February 7, 2025, with the SnowFest Dance on February 8, 2025. Plans include court voting, hallway decorating, and the pep assembly.

The board and Supt. Bergstrom recognized Mr. Ayers, elementary principal, for Principals Month. Mr. Cottrell, Mr. VanEpps, Mr. Waltz, and Mrs. Duffrin were not able to attend the meeting, but will be recognized at the November meeting.

Superintendent Bergstrom presented “Superintendent Spotlight” certificates to one employee and six students throughout the district who have shown outstanding efforts as an employee or student.

During public comment, a community member voiced her concerns regarding coaches, parents, and student athletes. She requested that administration have proper documentation and set expectations to protect athletic coaches.

The board approved the audit report for the 2023-24 school year audit, as presented by Ms. Sara Sauer of Willis and Jurasek.

Because of the passage of the additional operating millage on non-homestead properties last August, the board was required to hold a Budget Hearing before the regular meeting to present an updated General Fund budget for the additional revenue. This additional millage will amount to approximately $87,900 annually. The board approved the updated 2024-25 General Fund budget during the regular meeting.

The board approved the annual Summer Tax Resolution, which allows the school district to collect our portion of tax revenues collected by the townships in our school district.

Superintendent Bergstrom updated the board on the Operations Committee meeting that took place recently. Three board members, along with Mark Hubbard, Building and Grounds Supervisor, and Alan Breneman, Food Service Director, met with Superintendent Bergstrom to review the work that has already taken place, as well as prioritize future projects. The following are some of the projects listed as priorities: Roof maintenance, the exterior stucco coating on the MS/HS building, replacement of bus garage workshop area roof, handrails for the middle school bleachers, carpeting in some classrooms in all buildings, concrete work, and circle garden maintenance at the elementary. Bids are also going out soon for renovations of the high school kitchen to make it more modern and efficient. With these renovations, the Food Service Dept. will be able to increase food choices for breakfast and lunch.

Superintendent Bergstrom reported to the board members on the following:
• Homecoming week activities were amazing; advisors and administration did a great job organizing everything.
• The fall sports seasons have been very exciting.
• The upcoming Friday night football game will be Senior Night. We are starting a new tradition at Hanover-Horton before the game where the seniors of the Class of 2025 will meet the kindergarteners of the Class of 2037 in the middle of the field. The seniors will give the kindergarteners a Comet Spirit bracelet to signify the “passing of Comet Spirit” to our youngest students. The Jackson County Sheriff’s Dept. Honor Guard will also present the flag that night.
• The cross country team will be having a spaghetti dinner on Tuesday, October 22nd from 5-7:00 pm at Hillside UMC.
• Legislation has been signed into law to permanently reduce the MPSERS payroll rate paid by school districts by 5.75%. Employees will also see a permanent elimination of the 3% health care contribution, which will take place on October 1, 2025.
• A new literacy/dyslexia bill has also been signed into law; more information will follow.
• Superintendent Bergstrom will hold another Comet Community Coffee on Wednesday, November 13th from 7:00-8:30 am in the Library Media Center. Everyone is invited to join us for coffee and conversation.
• The Alro Steel Glick Foundation has very generously donated $15,000 to our district for school programs and extra curricular activities, with a focus on sports programs and skilled trades. We will work toward a system to decide how our district will spend the money.

The board members commented on the following:
• The board enjoyed the Homecoming activities; the staff performance at the assembly was great.
• The Stuff the Bus campaign coordinated by the National Honor Society during Homecoming week was very successful, with a total of 2200 items collected. The local food pantry is very grateful.
• The board is excited about the Superintendent Spotlight presentations and the Alro Steel donation.
• Athletic guidelines and expectations need to be reviewed. We need to look at accountability and what we can do to support coaches and mentor young coaches.
• The board likes the idea of Passing the Comet Spirit to young students.

The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

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